Vabilo k udeležbi prodajne razstave: Slovenske gline
Vabilo: prodajna razstava Slovenske gline Keramike pozivamo k udeležbi prodajne razstave Slovenske gline, ki bo spremljevalni dogodek krovnemu projektu Katalog slovenskih glin. S tem želimo vzpodbuditi avtorje k uporabi in raziskovanju slovenskih glin. Prodajna razstava Slovenske gline bo potekala 18. maja 2018 v atriju Magušarjeve hiše v Radovljici med 10. in 18. uro. Vabimo vas, … Continued
Red Istrian clay
Geology of south Istria is similar than geology of Karst. Calcium carbonates as limestone deteriorates into red clay. It is everywhere an very red, though the texture is a little different than Karst’s. I went to collect it to the beach. There is some directly on the beach where we swim in the summer. That … Continued
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