We invite you to join our intensive 5-day workshop where we will be collecting, processing local clays and testing and developing clay body mixtures.
Day 1:
Collecting location: Dolenjska region
We will begin the workshop in the morning in the Dolenjska region, where we will search for and collect local clays and learn to identify local geology. After collecting we will bring our materials to the studio and start observing, discussing, preparing and making primary tests. We will fire primary tests.
Day 2:
We will start processing collected materials and preparing clay bodies as secondary tests. We will learn about and make line blends. We will prepare the offering sculptures. At the end of the second day, we will open the kiln and look at and discuss the fired primary tests. We will fire secondary tests.
Day 3:
Collecting location: Gorenjska region
First half of the day we will spend outside collecting clay. We will offer our sculptures to the land. Second half of the day we will clean and process newly collected materials with incantation to imbue the clay with new information.
Day 4:
On our fourth day we will test further by using the triaxial blend technique and also try mixing clay bodies with local sands, which we will then cast into simple plaster moulds. We will fire final tests.
Day 5:
On our last day we will reflect on best ways to finding and collecting local geology and learn how to read topographical and geological maps as our basic guides to determine where to find materials in nature. We will open the kiln and analyze final tests and suggest improvements. We will place all the collected tests together and discuss it at a round table, which will also allow for addressing final questions and unclarities. At the end we will share between us all the collected clays so the participants will be able to create and test further on their own.
The workshop is suitable for both beginners and experienced potters.
Every day from 26th February to 1st March 2024,
10:00 – 18:00 (with a break for lunch)
Time range
5 days for 5 hours, total 25 hours
Studio Anja Slapničar,
Tržaška cesta 36,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia →
390€ / person
Registration is confirmed with the payment of the first half of the workshop fee. Second half of the workshop fee is settled upon arrival to the first meeting.
In case of cancellation we keep 20% of the workshop fee that has already been paid.
More info and apply to
studio@anjaslapnicar.com →


Vabljeni na poglobljeno, 5-dnevno delavnico nabiranja in priprave lokalne gline, na kateri se bomo skozi testiranja naučili razvijanja mešanic glin, primernih za uporabo.
Prvi dan:
Lokacija nabiranja: Dolenjska
Z delavnico bomo pričeli na terenu na Dolenjskem, kjer bomo iskali in nabirali lokalne gline ter se naučili prepoznavati lokalno geologijo. Nabrane materiale bomo nato prinesli v ljubljanski studio ter jih začeli opazovati, se o njih pogovorili in pripravili primarne teste. Primarne teste bomo nato odžgali.
Drugi dan:
Nabrane materiale bomo drugi dan začeli čistiti, procesirati in pripravili gline v sekundarne teste. Naučili se bomo izdelati teste s tehniko linearnega mešanja. Prav tako bomo iz njih izdelali daritvene figure. Na koncu drugega dne bomo odprli peč ter analizirali odžgane primarne teste. Odžali bomo sekundarne teste.
Tretji dan:
Lokacija nabiranja: Gorenjska
Dopoldanski del tretjega dne bomo ponovno preživeli na terenu, kjer bomo nabirali glino in podarili zemlji daritvene figure prejšnjega dne. Popoldan bomo novo nabrani material očistili in sprocesirali s priklicom namere, ki bo prepojila glino z novo informacijo.
Četrti dan:
Nadaljevali bomo s testiranjem in se naučili tehnike triaksalnega mešanja materialov. Te bomo nato lahko zmešali z lokalnimi peski ter jih vlivali v preproste mavčne kalupe. Finalne teste bomo odžgali.
Peti dan:
Na zadnji dan bomo nekaj časa posvetili teoretični razpravi o branju topografskih in geoloških kart kot osnovnimi smernicami za iskanje materialov v naravi. Odprli bomo peč, analizirali finalne teste in predlagali izboljšave. Vse pripravljene teste tekom delavnice bomo zbrali na kupu in se o njih pogovorili, kar bo omogočilo naslavljanje zadnjih vprašanj in nejasnosti. Na koncu si bomo razdelili ostanke nabranih glin, da jih bodo lahko udeleženci odnesli s seboj in testirali naprej.
Delavnica je primerna tako za začetnike kot tudi izkušene.
Vsak dan od 26. februarja do 1. marca 2024,
med 10. in 18. uro (z odmorom za kosilo)
Časovni obseg
5 srečanj po 5 ur, skupaj 25 ur
Studio Anja Slapničar,
Tržaška cesta 36,
1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia →
390€ / osebo
Registracija je potrjena s plačilom prve polovice zneska. Druga polovica zneska se poravna ob prihodu na prvo srečanje.
V primeru odpovedi zadržimo 20% plačila, ki je že bilo izvedeno.
Več informacij in prijave na
studio@anjaslapnicar.com →

