Interview with Taiwanese Kiln Builders
Kiln Builders of Taiwan Zhunan Snake Kiln was established in 1972 by the late Lin Tien-Fu who led nine craftsmen and an ox, made his own moulds, produced three thousand adobe bricks and worked nine days to complete the 25-meter long snake kiln. At the time, the kiln produced mainly ceramic flower pots. Zhunan Snake Kiln … Continued
Dnevi keramike in lončarstva Kamnik 2023
V tednu med 14. in 21. junijem 2023 se bodo v Kamniku odvijali Dnevi keramike in lončarstva z namenom obeležitve 30 let delovanja studia ILA – dotik ustvarjalnosti. V sklopu tega bomo v torek, 20. junija pripravili dve delavnici. Delavnica Divja glina Kdaj: 20. junij 2023 med 9. in 12. uro Kje: studio ILA na … Continued
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