Isn’t it nice? I think it is. We worked very hard and the result is this. I have new website, blog in the site and brand new shop! Thank you Čuhalev brothers for making it happen!
There is a permanent exhibition of two great potters in Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen in Rotterdam. It is a nice museum full of great works. I was impressed by work of famous potter Bernard Leach, which I went to see three times, despite that there were only three of his on display. His pots were … Continued
Sem v Novem mestu, kjer je možen ogled in prevzem, pošiljam pa tudi po pošti. yunimi-ja levi: mešanica bele in rdeče grobo šamotirane kamenine, glazuri: znotraj bela matirana, zunaj Olivna desni: mešanica bele in rdeče grobo šamotirane kamenine, glazura: Craquelle prosojna yunimi-ja levi: siva kamenina, glazuri: znotraj bela matirana, zunaj stari kitajski celadon desni: mešanice … Continued
Fotografije: Sabina Hosta. Vse prikazanje skodelice so na voljo, zaradi moje odsotnosti je prevzem možen samo v centru Ljubljane, ali 21.12. na umetniškem sejmu Park Tabor v SEM-u. info:, info za prevzem: skodelica za kavo, bela kamenina, bela glazura skodelica za čaj, peščena kamenina, bela, medena in rjava glazura skodelica za kosmiče, … Continued
Veste, da ima SEM čudovito lončarsko delavnico, v katero lahko gledaš iz prav tako fine kavarnice? No, tam bo Umetniški sejem Park Tabor, kjer bo Tina prodajala tudi mojih nekaj zadnjih kosov. Vabljeni!
First pots made in Amsterdam! cup, stoneware, bright Tenmoku glaze spiral cups, stoneware, Amsterdam blue and Apricot glaze spiral cups, stoneware, Amsterdam blue and Apricot glaze cups, stoneware, Amsterdam blue and Apricot glaze cup, stoneware, Amsterdam blue glaze cup, stoneware, Apricot glaze spiral cups, stoneware, bright Tenmoku glaze
Almost a year has gone by since I came to Amsterdam and I finally found a place to work and fire. After seeing many studios, I decided to join Slim Ben Ameur studio. There are three reasons why I chose his: the studio is very close to my apartment, in which I still do half of the … Continued
At the end of every August there is a pottery market in Gmunden, Austria. Last year I visited Gmunden for the first time (as a visitor) and I decided to go again this year. Not just because of all the beautiful pots, but also beautiful nature. I got to see potters, talk to them, get … Continued