Studio hosts different ceramics inspired events from tea gathering, clay salvaging, to international workshops.

Fixing a clay body

In Logatec, southeast of Slovenia’s capital, I have collected 4 different clays. Only one stands high temperatures, but it has one mayor fault. It contains very small particles of charcoal-like material. And because clay itself is very plastic and consists of finest of clay particles it is also a very closed clay body. The organic … Continued

Vabilo: prodajna razstava Slovenske gline Keramike pozivamo k udeležbi prodajne razstave Slovenske gline, ki bo spremljevalni dogodek krovnemu projektu Katalog slovenskih glin. S tem želimo vzpodbuditi avtorje k uporabi in raziskovanju slovenskih glin. Prodajna razstava Slovenske gline bo potekala 18. maja 2018 v atriju Magušarjeve hiše v Radovljici med 10. in 18. uro. Vabimo vas, … Continued

Geology of south Istria is similar than geology of Karst. Calcium carbonates as limestone deteriorates into red clay. It is everywhere an very red, though the texture is a little different than Karst’s. I went to collect it to the beach. There is some directly on the beach where we swim in the summer. That … Continued

For a long time I have wanted to try one or two months in isolation for the sole purpose: focused creativity and work. So I packed my clay and tools and went to south tip of Istria, where my parents own a weekend house. House is situated in a small settlement of about 10 houses, … Continued

We hosted Felix Giron from Wandering Art Tea Academy on January 24th, who presented beautiful Chinese tea ceremony. We tested 4 different teas and tried our skills at preparing and serving tea. Thank you Felix and to many more warm gatherings like that!

Last week I asked people for help with clay processing. Amazingly 20 people volunteered – 2 ladies even came after we finished with everything, asking if there is some thing to help with left. Together with 2 babies, one dog and my cat, we have been processing clays for three days and at the end … Continued

Studio will host a Chinese tea ceremony with Wandering Art Tea Academy’s Felix Giron. Wednesday, 24.1.2018 at 17pm Tržaška cesta 36, Ljubljana

Read how I found kaolin in Slovenian mountains here. Up close this material looks like this:

There is exactly one area in Slovenia, where geologically kaolin was formed. And in that valley it was mined in the past. Today all the mines are closed and sealed, but in some places you can still find a hint of that material. I have looked for it a long time, and now I finally … Continued

Karst or Kras is a region in southwest of Slovenia. It has special characteristics and geology. I already wrote about it here. Mostly it is limestone, dolomite, calcite and red earth, known as terra rossa. I found all 4 and some clay as well. But what is terra rossa exactly? It contains a high amount … Continued

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