Studio hosts different ceramics inspired events from tea gathering, clay salvaging, to international workshops.

GEOFlora: delavnica izdelave posod za sobne rastline

Pripravlja se nova delavnica oblikovanja gline, kjer se bodo v svežo glino vgneteli materiali lokalne geologije in oblikovale posode za sobne rastline. V končne izdelke se bodo rastline tudi zasadile in dekorirale z različnimi lokalnimi peski. DATUM – delavnica je sestavljena iz dveh delov (dveh torkovih popoldnevov) 13. avgust med 17. in 20. uro: izdelava … Continued

Graphite clay? Does that exist? I haven’t found nothing useful online, except that there is one kind of clay where you mix in graphite to create crucibles. There was a forest path in Nemilje, leading up a stream. My friend Živa has a friend who owns some land in Nemilje area. She suggested this path, … Continued

It’s been more than a year since renovation of apartment and studio in Ljubljana started and now both are finished with the small exception of two bathrooms. Bathrooms will wait until there is enough saved to cover local limestone tiles and custom made furniture from wood, fitted to be functional for ceramic studio as well. … Continued

Studio Anja Slapničar invites you for an upcoming ceramic exhibition Whispers of Earth by Lou Smedts. Exhibition will be accompanied together with studio’s renovated architecture. A celebration of both will happen on June 1 at 11am. Tržaška cesta 36, Ljubljana (1st floor). Welcome!

With my outmost happy excitement I present a new glaze workshop with my wood-fire mentor Lou Smedts! June 17th – June 23rd, Ljubljana, Slovenia

V Gornjem Gradu se bo 16. marca pričela 16 urna delavnica z glavno temo nabiranja in izdelovanja keramike iz lokalne geologije. Studio bo sodeloval z Majo in Amando, lokalkama, ki razvijata domače čaje Gornjega Grada z imenom Baba čaj. Urnik: 1. sobota – 16. marec med 9. in 13. uro Iskanje materialov na terenu v … Continued

Croatian artist Lidia Boševski uses inspiration and materials from nature and combines it with clay. She visited us in Ljubljana and her workshop With clay in nature took us to explore our inner connections with primary nature. We wandered around the woods near Kranj, rich with all kinds of clays, with which we built nature … Continued

V septembru se bo zgodila nova 2-dnevna delavnica Z glino v naravi, ki jo bo vodila priznana hrvaška keramičarka Lidia Boševski. Popeljali vas bomo v naravo –  v okolico Kranja, v gozd poln gline, okre, kremena in ostale zanimive geologije.   “Opazovanje narave in sledenje svojemu osebnemu impulzu privlačnosti proti detajlom odpre vaš lastni center … Continued

I kindly invite you to the opening of exhibition Katalog slovenskih glin – Catalogue of slovene clay, project by Urban Magušar: 18.5.2018, Linhartov trg 4, Radovljica, Slovenia On the same day, exhibition Slovenske gline – Slovene clays will also took place at the same location, where potters from all over Slovenia will present their artworks, which will … Continued

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