
Deep in the forest I have finally found kaolin
There is exactly one area in Slovenia, where geologically kaolin was formed. And in that valley it was mined in the past. Today all the mines are closed and sealed, but in some places you can still find a hint of that material. I have looked for it a long time, and now I finally … Continued
Terra rossa genesis
Karst or Kras is a region in southwest of Slovenia. It has special characteristics and geology. I already wrote about it here. Mostly it is limestone, dolomite, calcite and red earth, known as terra rossa. I found all 4 and some clay as well. But what is terra rossa exactly? It contains a high amount … Continued
New batch of pots
I have been seriously impressed how people started to respond to implementing local clays into my ceramics. They were asking: “O, is this Logatec clay? Is this clay from Rožnik? Is this the clay you found in Straža?” At the time I only had few, because up till now was mostly processing, testing and combining … Continued
Clay leftovers and white claybody
I always keep what is left from clay processing. Sometimes for fun, in that case I use small stones or sand as decoration in my studio, or I mix it to my commercial clay. I have particles separated by 4 different sieves so that way I can increase the diversity these leftovers produce. So with … Continued
Open studio / Odprti studio
Welcome to my open studio tomorrow – December 16 from 10am till 8pm. / Vabljeni na Odprti studio jutri, 16. decembra, med 10. in 20 uro. 1. nadstropje/floor, Tržaška 36, 1000 Ljubljana
Logatec ceramics
After exploring Logatec geology and it’s clay there came time for making. There were 4 good clays at the end that I could work with: grey one from quarry, fox brown from top of a hill, purple and grey-purple from forest path. Only grey clay withstood hight temperatures, so there had to be made to … Continued
Odprti studio // Open studio
I welcome you to my studio with open doors on December 16. Let’s talk how our year was and drink and eat to the new one! Last of this year’s ceramics will be available for purchase. Please invite your friends too.  // Vabim vas v studio, ki bo imel odprta vrata v soboto, 16. decembra. … Continued
Projekt Tvoja skodelica v Kubu Daktari
5 slovenskih avtorjev se s svojo keramiko v mesecu decembru predstavlja v Klubu Daktari v Ljubljani! Čaj si lahko naročite v eni izmed petih unikatnih skodelic, ki jo lahko, potem ko spijete, odnesete s seboj domov. Sodelujoči avtorji so Ana Haberman – Tri Lukne, Ines Kovačič, Živa Slavec, Andrej Brezec – AB design, in jaz … Continued
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