
Izdelava kopije hišaste žare
Ko postajaš starejši, se včasih sprašuješ, kaj je smisel življenja, kaj je bistvo vsakdana, čemu slediš, od kod prihajaš… Šele, ko si videl del sveta, se zaveš, da je tudi tvoj dom nekaj posebnega, enkratnega in neponovljivega. Ceniti začneš svoj rodni kraj in njegovo zgodovino. V mojem primeru gre za Novo mesto in njegov neposredni … Continued
Mini intervju iz sejma v Gmundnu: Nika Stupica – Studio Kaolin
Niko Stupico sem za kratek intervju ujela lani, na sejmu lončarstva in keramike v Gmundnu. Ona je bila tista, ki je dala pobudo, da je Slovenija leta 2015 gostujoča država na sejmu. To pomeni, da je Nika zahvalna, da se je sejma udeležilo še 10 drugih, odličnih slovenskih keramikov. Mini video intervju: Spomnim se, ko … Continued
Nova delavnica izdelave uporabne keramike: Keksoramika
V javni delavnici Anselma v centru Ljubljane se 20. 1. ob 17. uri začne nova delavnica izdelave uporabne keramike iz valjanih plošč. Vabljeni! Vsebina delavnice: –       uvod v svet gline –       priprava skic in načrtov –       priprava plošč – valjanje –       izdelava štempiljk –       izrez, sestavljanje in lepljenje plošč –       barvna dekoracija z glaziranjem   Trajanje: … Continued
November wood-fired ceramics
To some, wood fired ceramics looks primitive and ugly and maybe only people who know how it is made can appreciate it. You may only see a pile of brown pots and boring grey shades, but to me red and browns mean richness of clay bodies, the containing irons drawn to the surface by the … Continued
Sejem keramike Gmunden, Avstrija 2015
Vsako leto se zadnji vikend v avgustu v Gmundnu zgodi 3-dnevni sejem keramike. Letos je bil že 27., na sejmu pa je sodelovalo 125 evropskih keramikov. Stojnice so postavljene na promenadi ob idiličnem jezeru Traunsee, ki se skriva med zelenimi griči in visokimi gorami. Prijava na newsletter: [sc:newsletter ] Letos sem sejem obiskala že tretjič … Continued
Ceramics market in Gmunden, Austria

Gmunden is a charismatic little town by the lake and under mountains in Austria. It is also a place where ceramic market happens every last weekend in August. This was it 27th time now. There was a selection of 125 best European ceramics with a guest country: Slovenia. See the video report of the market.

The Gouda Ceramics Festival

Goudse Keramiek Dags or Gouda ceramics festival is Dutch market for ceramics with a very long tradition. It is situated in center of Gouda. The town is famous for it's cheese Gouda. It is pronounced 'Hawda'. We made a short video about the happening at the market.

Collaboration of two surveyors
Hello! Remember me being a surveyor? I hardly do. I have a Bachelor of Science in Geodetic Engineering, but I only say that out loud when I am having deep discussions with guys about technical stuff like measurements. I mean, I know precision measuring and so! Nataša was also going to same University as I did, just … Continued
Ceramic Art London

From 17 till 19 April 2015 Royal College of Art London hosted Ceramic Art London, a major showcase for international ceramics. It was CAL’s 11th edition featuring 80 excellent makers from 15 countries. Watch short interviews with three ceramists: Karin Bablok, Uwe Löllmann and Matthew Blakely.

Wood firing in Janja Gora, Croatia in May 2015

In May 15 international ceramists fired together a wood fired kiln, a type of anagama, in Janja Gora, Croatia. The kiln was fired for 38 hours, reached over 1300°C and used 3.5m3 of wood. The kiln was fired as a part of workshop lead by Lou Smedts, ceramic artist and professor, and Branko Šupica, owner of the kiln at Atelje Janja Gora.

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